Wednesday, August 29, 2012

ABC....Easy As...123! Psh...Yeah Right!

Fun (or not so fun) fact: There is a 1/100 chance of getting a teaching job immediately following college graduation. Awesome...NOT!

Flashing back to my college classroom days, I can't help but remember the infamous saying by all education professors, "It is going to be extremely hard to find a teaching job. This career path isn't an easy one but it is well worth it". Great, I am now in that situation. A college grad with no job (hey the bright side is I've found tons of time to blog!). But as I sat here and moped around about being out of college and not immediately having my own classroom, I had a sudden realization. I knew it was going to be hard to find a teaching job, especially in such a small town; however, I needed to make the best of the situation. So I thought to do I make the best of the situation?

It's easy. I need to prepare myself for the coming spring when teaching jobs will once again be available. This form of preparation will definitely help my odds of getting a job in the spring. So what are the steps that I plan on taking? A simple three letter word; sub. Yep, I need to make myself as available as possible. Most people don't realize how much money one can actually make from subbing. In my town it can be up to 300 dollars a week, and as a unemployed college student who wants to stick with the education path and not dwindle in crappy part-time/full-time jobs (that don't have anything to do with my field), that 300 dollars a week sounds pretty darn good to me.

Like I, and all my professors, said before, "This job is totally worth it". I am determined to continue working in growing as a professional and gaining that extra experience.

So I promise from here on out, my posts will no longer be me "moping" or venting my depression about being jobless. No, my blogs will continue to document the education path that I have taken and the road to getting that job that I have worked so hard for.
Here's to a wonderful year full of more experiences and landing a teaching job of my dreams.
May the odds be ever in my favor! (I told you I was obsessed!)

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